The critically acclaimed pop-up blues show “Pompie’s Place” transports audiences to a mythic blues room of another time and place. Produced and hosted by Arthur “Pompie” Pomposello, with music direction by Ehud Asherie on piano, “Pompie’s Place” delivers a daring mix of blues from the Delta to Broadway (with detours in Chicago and Memphis).
Writing about this whimsically theatrical club show experience, Stephen Holden in The New York Times judged the ensemble, “Some of the New York City’s finer jazz and blues musicians… An ensemble of top-flight musicians!”
The Wall Street Journal’s Will Friedwald deems the show’s two resident divas — Hilary Gardner and Lezlie Harrison — two of “the better blues and jazz singers out there.”
“Pompie’s Place” features Ken Peplowski on reeds and Jon-Erik Kelso on trumpet (on alternating nights); Jackie Williams on drums and David Wong on bass.
Media Blitz serves as the show’s consulting producer.